Mural at Orchards of 82nd Artist Catalyst 1

Since August 2021, Paola and Lillyanne Pham collaborated on a year-long participatory mural project as part of Mural Arts Philadelphia Artist Catalyst Program with APANO. Lillyanne led feedback events and sketch ideation while Paola led final designs and paint techniques. We co-led the mosaic work. We worked with 40+ O82 apartment units to design a mural that represented the community and the space, the playground at O82/APANO. Our main partners were the residents of O82, Mural Arts of Philadelphia, APANO, and Rose CDC. We also partnered with The Equi Institute to host a food drive. Our other engagement activities were door knocking, open office hours at O82, hands-on mural/mosaic work, assistant jobs, review events, and a Lunar New Years party. We worked with 5 different languages including Swahili, Vietnamese, Chinese, Amharic, and Spanish. Our personal goal focused on youth engagement by hiring youth assistants and youth translators. Our final design was inspired by our connection with the teen interns in being raised by single mothers. Also, it celebrated O82’s many single mothers who assisted with our design and engagement.

Asian Pacific American Network of Oregon



Maker's Mark: Remarkable Portland


SE Uplift & Portland Water Bureu Utility Art Box Project